Threat Assessment 101
Recognizing + managing Risk Indicators of Targeted Violence
Now more than ever, increased awareness and best-practices training on how to respond when an individual makes or poses a threat is essential in today’s environment. Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management is the 1) systematic and evidence-based process of identifying those who are exhibiting patterns of concerning behavior that indicate an interest, motive, intention, or capability of carrying out an act of violence; 2) the subsequent investigation to assess whether an individual poses a threat; and 3) management of such a threat, if necessary. This highly engaging workshop uses case studies and table top exercises, and describes targeted violence, explains the pathway to violence model, identifies violence risk indicators and “behaviors of concern,” and clarifies options for responding to concerning, threatening, and dangerous behaviors.
4 to 8 hours
Can be customized for K12 schools, higher education institutions, the workplace, or government, community, and faith-based organizations. Multi-day training available.
Additional Topics Upon Request:
Comprehensive targeted violence prevention programs including best practices in establishing a Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) or Threat Assessment Team (TAT) for your school or organization.
Consultation is also available to create essential policies, procedures, and tools, as well as provide the ongoing training that is necessary for all BITs and TATs.
City of Fountain in Colorado receives Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management training with Dr. Peg to establish their Behavioral Intervention Team
Additional topics: Bullying Prevention Education and Campus Threat Indicators